Thank You for Supporting the Tax Reallocation

A big THANK YOU to the 25,859 voters who stood with our Quorum Court, animal care activists, and Faulkner County Reports to support the reallocation of our existing tax money to pay for looming financial problems that face our County.

We appreciate the leadership our Republican JPs displayed by bringing the vote to the people, and we look forward to helping further their goals of fiscal responsibility and transparency for Faulkner County government.

We are also very grateful to the donors who financed the Vote “Yes” for Reallocation effort. Common-sense voters who live in the County saw through the effort to buy votes, intimidate voters living inside County municipalities, and threats of total collapse of the Road Department.

We know this because the votes were very close — 48.49% “Yes” to 51.51% “No” — despite the fact that Faulkner County Democrats and the opponents spent over $70,000, ten times more than the supporters, who spent only about $7,000. (Stay tuned, FCR will report on the total cost and identity of donors once those final financial disclosure reports are filed.)

High Voter Interest

FCR is proud of the voter turnout in Faulkner County last night: 71% of all our County’s registered voters is certainly a high-water mark — if not a record — for turnout, another indication of how important the tax reallocation issue is to County citizens who look for efficient spending and budgeting from our County elected officials.

THANK YOU, Faulkner County voters who understand the financial problems facing our County!

Watch for 2021 Budget

Stay engaged and involved! We predict the 2021 budget process (starting now) will be, let’s say, “interesting,” as our County attempts to now find a way to properly fund our Sheriff’s Department and the $1 million-plus bill coming in 2021 for the 911 program.

We also still have an animal control problem and currently no way to pay for a plan to address that safety issue in our County.

Watch for future developments and follow Quorum Court activities and decisions right here at Faulkner County Reports.

1 Response

  1. Susan Shaddox says:

    Hey – I am a DEMOCRAT – and I PAID for signs for to vote YES to the Reallocation! TRUE animal advocates are neither Republican or Democrat…they just want what is humane for animal treatment.