Conway School Board 2023 Voters Guide: Jennifer Cunningham

Here’s the responses to our Conway School Board Voters Guide from Jennifer Cunningham, who currently holds one of two “at-large” seats on the Board and is running for re-election on May 9.

  1. All the candidates say they’re focused on “education for our kids.” So, if elected, what are your plans to help improve our reading scores?

    As a current board member, I can say for certain that we all want to focus on improving reading scores. We are very aware that something needs to be done. Our district has hired a top notch curriculum coordinator that will be joining our central office staff soon. We are looking very forward to see what changes are implemented to bring all students up to reading at or above grade level.

    Also, fellow board member Linda Hargis has started a reading program that is in the ‘test phase’ at Theodore Jones Elementary. I am a volunteer, and it is wonderful to connect with these young children and help them master recognizing and writing their ABC’s. I can see this program growing to the point that we have volunteers in all the elementary schools, coming alongside the teachers and helping where we can. It takes a village!

  2. What role(s) should public school have in children’s lives, other than basic education?

    It may be easier for me to answer what role public education SHOULDN’T have in children’s lives. It should not take on the role of parents, guide them on social issues or promote any one agenda.

    Our school system should stay in its lane and provide an environment for children to learn without bias. Public education should exist solely to educate children in the basics: reading, math, science and history. Extra curriculars are offered to broaden/enhance their lives athletically (sports) and artistically (band, choir, theater, etc.).

  3. If elected, how would you ensure that all children, whether heterosexual or not, are comfortable in bathrooms and when undressing, etc. at school?

    As a current board member, I voted for the bathroom policy that ensures ALL children are comfortable in bathrooms. This policy protects the rights of all students by providing the use of single occupancy restrooms for whomever may want an alternative to using their biologically correct restroom.

  4. Do you agree or disagree with the Board’s handling of FOI issues? Why or why not?

    Over the past year, our board has been FOIA’d many, many times. FOIA can be cumbersome and time-consuming for our team. One request alone generated over 40,000 pages. However, the need for our transparency to the public is greater than any burden FOIA places on us. Ultimately, I will gladly follow whatever guidelines our legislature lays out governing FOIA.

  5. What is your position on the recent controversy over sexually inappropriate books in the school libraries? Would you do anything differently? If so, what and why?

    As a current board member, I voted in favor of the removal of two sexually explicit books from Conway school libraries. I actually love to read. I’m not in favor of arbitrarily banning books. There was a process followed that led to the books being banned: a parent challenged the books, the books were reviewed by a school committee, and the board unanimously and correctly voted to remove the books. Tax dollars should not be used to put books that are sexually explicit in our school libraries.

Learn more about Jennifer Cunningham here.