Conway Public Schools “SOS”

Conway School Board Election Day 2023: Tuesday, May 9
Save Our Schools!

If you have not yet voted for Bill Milburn and Jennifer Cunningham, THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE to cast your vote(s) for them, votes which will maintain a strong Conway School Board defense against the never-ending attacks of the WOKE against our school children, K-12.

Your vote(s) for these traditional, conservative, family-oriented candidates will protect our children (and grandchildren and greats) from the poisonous and destructive WOKE ideology (theology, actually; it’s a religion to its acolytes) that already consumes much of our nation.

Don’t let our children down by failing to vote. It is entirely possible that in 10 or 20 years we will look back at school board elections as the most important elections in our nation. Don’t look back with regret.

Don’t let that happen.
Please vote.

Polls are open 7:30 am to 7:30 pm at the McGee Center and Agape ACTS Church in Conway.

–Submitted Anonymously

1 Response

  1. Keith Dwight Weber says:

    didn’t they both loose big? Conway is moderate rather than conservative?