Cryptomining Industry Is Invading Arkansas; New “Data Center” Laws, Too

2 Responses

  1. Rick Cossey says:

    I was enlightened to this issue by a long time friend from Boone County who’s homestead will abut proposed “facility.” I couldn’t believe that legislation solely benefiting developers had been passed. Who does this favor when no use taxes whatsoever are assessed? It
    favors Entergy and Chinese investment.
    Shame on our legislators who voted and sponsored this abhorrent legislation.

  2. Mafalda says:

    What you need to know .French Hill is one of the promoters he got 35.000 dollar for his campain from the Chinice Mr Hu. This man is a member of the Central Bank of China branch in USA . Also member of the Chinece Communist Party etc..Now French Hill is in Washintong seeing how he can keep helping this Chinise people to pay back the favor , looking how he can implement regulations for the digital currency
    So to me our own legislators are the Corrupted ones