County Jail Overcrowding Is Getting Worse; New Facility Coming?

County Sheriff Tim Ryals reports he’s been working with County Judge Allen Dodson and County Attorney Phil Murphy on plans to build a new Unit 1 county jail (for violent offenders) behind the existing Unit 2. It would apparently be funded through a combination of unrestricted ARP money, capital improvement money, and financing, if the Quorum Court can agree to approve what looks to be a 2-phase plan.

A handful of years back, Faulkner County was under a federal court order to relieve its jail overcrowding situation but no action was taken. Then various COVID practices allowed numerous detainees to be released or simply not held in jail, so the situation eased somewhat. But, it’s back now and getting worse.

Per the latest report on the County website, Unit 1 held an average of 175 violent detainees in May. Ryals says Unit 1 is currently holding an average of 180 to 190 detainees (many of whom are state inmates being held in our County Jail due to overcrowding at the state prisons, a situation that’s out of County control).

As many have pointed out for years, the Unit 1 facility is also reaching an advanced age and so now incurs constant, expensive repairs to basics such as the HVAC system, putting the County at an even greater risk for lawsuits on many fronts.

For over five years now, Faulkner County has tossed around the idea of a new jail and, with roughly $10 million “unencumbered” ARP funds in the county coffers, this is a good time to finally address the problem. Our risky situation will only get worse by the time new construction is completed.

A new Unit 1 facility can’t come soon enough!